If you are looking for very easy and inexpensive ideas to make Christmas crafts for kids, then I have something great for you!
I was making this kind of Christmas tree chain garland when I was a little girl and this year, I have decided to make it with my daughter. We have bought a colorful crepe paper and I have showed her how to make a chain out of it.
It is really very easy, you just fold one stripe of the crepe paper over the other one. My daughter was really concentrated on her task, but at the same time, she was quite impatient to see the end result. When we unfolded the chain she made, she was so surprised! You should see the look on her face:) She was astonished by unexpected shapes, colors mixed all together like a rainbow and also the length of her tree chain! We have used 2 entire rolls of the crepe paper, so the chain was really long. I had hardly got the time to take some pictures, as she took the chain to her room and used it as a Christmas decoration!
What you need
- 2 crepe paper streamers
- glue
- scissors
How to make it
Christmas crafts for kids – DIY easy Christmas tree chain garland from crepe paper