Do you make recycled crafts with your kids? I am sure you do:) All kinds of recycled crafts for kids are such great fun! Paper rolls, plates or cups, fabric, all ideas count. I love when my daughter’s imagination starts to travel in all directions and she imagines things we could make with simple objects that we have at home.
This time, she came up with an idea of a forest house that we made from a used tissue box and all kinds of forest treasures that she found. We went for a long walk recently and we came home with a lot of autumn leaves, pine cones, pine needles, acorns, etc.
When I asked my daughter what she was going to do with all these treasures, she said: “We were in the forest, so we will make a forest house!”. And we did it!
What you need
- empty tissue box
- pine needles
- pine corns
- leaves
- glue
- scissors
- double sided tape
- pencil
- cotton balls
How to make it
Forest house – recycled crafts for kids