By Gosia
If you don’t have enough of my butterflies yet, here is another one: butterfly wings! This kiddo project also comes from my daughter’s butterfly birthday party. I prepared the wings before the party, cutting them from a colored Bristol paper. The girls made all the decoration and I must admit they were really creative! Here is just one example, there were many more, but they all took their wings home, before I even had time to take more pictures… When all the butterfly wings were ready, the girls went to the garden to fly around and made a butterfly dance! That was really cute!
What you need
- construction paper/Bristol board
- tissue paper
- 2 pipe cleaners
- scissors
- hole punch
- all-purpose glue
- elastic
- ribbon
- pompoms
- pencils, markers, stickers, glitter – all you have on hand to make your wings outstanding!
How to make it
Step3 Roughly measure the elastic to see how much you will need to wrap from the top of your kids shoulders to the bottom side of their underarms. Cut the elastic just a bit longer than this size, leaving some margin for adjustments. Tie the elastic through the holes as shown in the photo below. Make the knot and try it on, adjust if necessary.
Step6 Glue tissue paper ovals on each wing of the butterfly. Then glue oval tissue papers prepared in Step4 all around it. Then use your imagination to make the most beautiful butterfly wings ever! When the wings are ready, attach both antenna, using the holes made in the upper part of the wings. Enjoy & have fun!
How to make butterfly wings