By Gosia
Preparation time: | Servings: 1
Looking for a healthy breakfast idea for your little ones? Here is our funny recipe that comes with a little story: my daughter has a Little People Animal Farm, but it’s been a while since she played with it. She re-discovered it last weekend and spent a lot of time being a farmer. Her preferred animal was a little sheep: she took a great care of her, ‘feeding’ her, making her comfortable; she even took her for a bath! Imagine my daughter’s surprised and happy face when she saw a cute sheep on her plate the next morning for breakfast! Mummy got lots of hugs and kisses :)
- 1 slice of bread
- cottage cheese
- 2 chocolate biscuit sticks
- 1 strawberry
- 1 kiwi
- 2 chocolate chips
- Nutella
- red jam
Step1 Cut two pieces of bread: one for the sheep’s body, one for its head. Cut biscuit sticks into few pieces to make legs and arms for the happy sheep.
Step2 Cut flower shapes from the strawberry using a flower cookie cutter or a knife. Cut flower base and stem from the kiwi using a knife.
Step3 Place the bread on the plate and cover it with the cottage cheese. Use Nutella to cover the ears and jam to make the mouth. Place chocolate chips to make the eyes and the biscuits sticks to make legs and arms. Place pieces of kiwi and strawberry cut in Step2 to make flowers. Enjoy!
Sheep sandwich