Preparation time: | Servings: 1
Every Wednesday morning my daughter has a choir at school. They are learning songs in preparation for a concert they are giving to parents twice a year. It is really cute and a great performance! Recently they’ve been learning the song from The Lion King , “The lion Sleeps Tonight”. When my daughter told me that, I asked her if she wanted to listen to that song and maybe even see the Lion King. She wanted, of course. So I search on YouTube and I found a nice sound track. When it was finished, my daughter burst into tears and was crying for at least 20min! She said it was so sad that the lion was dead. It took me another 20min to calm her down and explain all over again what happened in the story and why. Did your kids also cried when they saw The Lion King for the first time?!? To honor the lion, we made this nice lion shaped sandwich and the smile came back on my daughter’s face. She ate it, holding her lion plush
all the time. What an experience for Mom!
- 1-2 slices of bread
- 1 slice of ham
- 1 black olive
- 5 mini carrots
- 2-3 tablespoons of grated carrot
- 1-2 slices of orange cheese (I have used Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheddar Sliced Cheese)
- 1 slice of yellow cheese
- 1 radish
- butter
- chive
- dill
Did you know that lions spend much of their time resting and are inactive for about 20 hours per day? They spend an average of two hours a day walking and 50 minutes eating.

Lion king sandwich