By Gosia
Preparation time: | Servings: 1
The idea of the sandwich boat came from a craft activity in the library. There were different paper shapes to decorate and my daughter has chosen the boat. She colored two of them and added some little stickers. Back home she asked me if it was possible to make a boat to eat. I said – let’s try to make a boat sandwich. I cut all the pieces and she put them together. Oh, how proud she was!
- 2-3 slices of bread
- 1 slice of orange cheese
- 1 slice of yellow cheese
- 1 slice of ham
- butter
- cucumber
- 1 cherry tomato
- salad
Cut three slices of bread, as shown on the picture: two slices in the triangle shapes for the sails – one smaller, one bigger and one slice for the hull.
Cut the orange cheese in the shape of the smaller sail. Cut the yellow cheese in the shape of the bigger sail. Cut the ham in the shape of the hull. Place all the pieces on a plate. Cut a piece of cucumber of the same height as the bread; use the inner part of the cucumber, so the seeds will make a decoration of the boat cabin. Place it between the sails and the hull. Cut the cherry tomato in three slices and place them on the ham to make the portholes. Place several salad leaves, they will make waves. Enjoy!
Boat sandwich