Preparation time: | Cooking time: | Servings: 1
Dora’s adventures are one of my daughter’s favorites. She likes the stories and likes to learn Spanish with Dora. She already picked-up a lot of words. Recently she got a book full of new stories and activities to make with Dora and her friends. She was busy with it for the most part of the morning. When she said she was hungry, I proposed to her to make a Dora sandwich. She loved the idea and helped with the preparations. When everything was cooked and ready, she placed Dora’s eyes and mouth and helped with the hair. It is more yummy when made by the little hands:)
- 1/2 of a small eggplant
- 1 slice of round bread
- 1 slice of orange cheese (I have used Kraft Cracker Barrel Cheddar Sliced Cheese)
- 1 egg
- 1 brown olive
- 1 black olive
- red pepper
Step1 Cut 2 slices of the brown olive and chop off ends of the black olive – put the black olive inside the brown olive to make the eyes. Prepare a slice of brown olive for the nose. Cut a moon shape from the red pepper to make the mouth.