Preparation time: | Servings: 1
Just before Christmas break, my daughter gave us a little cute gift she made at school. The little box was nicely painted and decorated. When we opened it, we saw a cute little snowman resting on cotton pillows and covered with some colored, soft gift paper. What a surprise! He became our holiday mascot and we also made a snack, almost just like him:)
- 3 mozzarella balls
- 1 dark grape
- 1 raisin
- 1 dried cranberry
- 1 dried date fruit
- 1 biscuit stick
- 1 mini pita bread
- 1 dried mango
- 1-2 toothpicks
Step1 Cut the raisin in half and cut off a small triangle from the dry mango. Make small holes in the mozzarella ball, where you will insert the raisins to make the snowman eyes and a piece of a dry mango to make his nose. Use a toothpick to mount the 3 mozzarella balls together, one on top of each other.
Step3 Cut a long, thin piece from the dried mango and place it around between the 1st and the 2nd mozzarella ball to make the scarf. Cut the grape in half and mount both pieces onto the mozzarella balls using a toothpick (adjust the size as needed). They will make the buttons. Place the snowman on a plate together with the pitta bread. Enjoy!
Snowman snack