By Gosia
Preparation time: | Servings: 1
Do your kids like Barbapapa? My daughter loves it! She likes the books, the cartoons and she even has two family members to play with: Barbalib, the lover of books and Barbabelle, the lover of beauty. My daughter is taking music classes, so one day I decided to make her Barbalala, lover of music, for snack. She loved this avocado-cracker snack and was singing all songs she recently learnt.
- 1/4 of avocado
- ham
- cheese
- 1 black olive
- 1 radish
- few drops of lemon juice
- 1 crackers
- 1-2 biscuit sticks
- spices: paprika, paper, salt
Step2 Cut 3 flower shapes from the ham using a knife or a cooking cutter. Cut 3 small circles from the cheese. You can use a knife or a straw. Cut a small oval shape from the radish to be used for the eye. Cut 2 small circles from the olive – you can use a knife or a straw. Cut a stripe from the olive to make the mouth and 3 small stripes for the eyelashes.
Step3 Use a teaspoon to place the avocado mousse on the plate, shaping Barbalala. Decorate her head with the ham flowers. Put the cheese dots in the middle of the flowers. Make the eyes from the radish and olive. Make the nose and the mouth from the olive. Place the cracker and the biscuit stick on the plate to make a music stand with the notes. Place a piece of a biscuit stick in the Barbalala’s hand to make conductor’s baton. Enjoy!
Barbalala avocado snack